SMMUSD Looks to Appoint Personnel Commissioner


The Santa Monica-Malibu School District is looking to appoint a personnel commissioner. The position, which would run from Dec. 1, 2017-Nov. 30, 2020, is part of the Personnel Commission. The commission is in charge of the “selection, retention and promotion of classified (i.e., non-teaching) employees in a public school system” based off of a merit system. It is composed of three members who are appointed for three-year terms; since the appointments are staggered, the term of one member on the board expires each year. 

Qualifications include: residence within the SMMUSD boundaries, voter registration and familiarity with the merit system as well as other matters related to merit and fitness. An applicant may not be a member of the district’s Board of Education, a member of the County Board of Education or an employee of the district. 

The application is available online until the recruitment is fulfilled. Contact Jana Hatch at 310.450.8338 ext. 70279 for more information.