Letter: Rolling Rindge Dam stones

Letter to the Editor

The Rindge family still wants to keep the dam intact, even though it cannot be used for its initial purpose. Though it served the water needs of their cattle ranch for a short time, it is now obsolete. Now it only serves to block the natural steelhead trout migration and has prevented 87 years of cobblestones from rolling out to the surf zone from the upper watershed. I was amazed to hear experts declare that large stones can tumble miles down the creek during one heavy storm event. 

That explains why it sounds like a bowling alley at the creek mouth as rocks and boulders are crashing over each other on there way out to sea during floods. Just think about how much more the point would be extended out to sea had the millions of boulders locked up behind the concrete beast were freed to roll out to the end of the point! How many beach front houses would have less erosion problems with greater sediment replenishment? How many new cobblestone perfect reef configurations have surfers been deprived of? Try The Malibu Times online post for the discussion. 

Steve WoodsÂ