Rollover Crash Shuts Down Westbound PCH in Eastern Malibu

LA County Sheriffs

A single-car rollover accident temporarily halted westbound traffic on Pacific Coast Highway between Big Rock and Tuna Canyon Road on Tuesday afternoon, according to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station.

The crash was reported around 3:15 p.m., according to Lt. James Royal. A 57-year-old solo female driver was airlifted to the UCLA Medical Center, Royal said, with “contusions” and other unknown injuries. The severity of those injuries was also not known. 

The No. 1 lane of westbound traffic was reopened at 3:45 p.m., according to the City of Malibu, while both eastbound lanes remained open but moving slowly. showed westbound traffic backed up to Chautauqua Boulevard as of 4:45 p.m. All lanes were fully reopened by 5:30 p.m.

A pair of water mains were also affected by the crash, with L.A. County Public Works crews working to repair “two above-ground service lines at 19419 PCH and 19433 PCH,” according to Public Works spokesperson Kerjon Lee. As of 5:30 p.m., the repairs were expected to be completed shortly. 

“Our crews have repaired the length of pipe leading to the water meters for these properties and are still cleaning up debris related to the traffic incident,” Lee said in an email Tuesday evening. “There are sections of water line that were damaged that are the responsibility of the customer, and the property owner will have to make repairs in order to have water service returned to the homes.”