Letter: Smoked Out

Letter to the Editor

I have recently relocated to Malibu and am loving life!

I enjoyed the Chili Cook-Off tremendously, except for one thing.

I could barely breathe due to all the smoke brought into Malibu. I have severe breathing disabilities. If I am in the presence of even one cigarette, I run the risk of passing out and within 13 minutes I could die in an asthma attack.

I am wondering why Beverly Hills and Santa Monica is so far ahead of us in declaring themselves smoke-free. It is a great disservice to allow this abnormal poisoning of everyone’s air, which so many think of as “normal.”

We have been brainwashed to think people’s “rights” to smoke (what? Where is that written?) supercede regular people’s rights to life.

The statistics and deaths are hidden in plain sight. Many maladies are attributable to cigarettes, but not connected. The smoke goes into our brains and our blood as well as lungs.

I, for one, am not willing to accept this as acceptable! I hope Malibu steps up soon.

Leta Rector