Giving the elderly a lift


    I am enraged by the flippant attitude of the City Council regarding Dial-a-Ride.

    We have a large population of elderly, who are on fixed incomes in Malibu. You say they can call Access. Yes, Access is good, but they are known to show up hours late or not at all. Many times I have had to drive to the Valley to rescue my mother. And don’t forget. You have to live within blocks of a bus stop to qualify for Access. So if you don’t live within blocks of the bus stop, you cannot get Access, no matter what!

    So, City Council. Don’t suggest Access as a solution. It isn’t.

    So you want Dial-a-Ride to be for only medical purposes. So what happens to our elderly if they are not sick? No services into town. What happens to our elderly if they can’t walk to a bus stop? What happens to our elderly after the buses quit running. What happens to our elderly who live out of city limits?

    Obviously the City Council is in the clouds regarding this issue. I want to know who to call to fight this insensitive plan. Our elderly deserve to be taken care of and honored.

    Rev. Pam McCarety