Business Corner: Vacation Rental Malibu

Pamela Van Ierland

Before the sweeping popularity of internet home sharing sites, local Pamela Van Ierland recognized the opportunity to share the Malibu lifestyle by starting her business Vacation Rental Malibu.  Not only can visitors from the world over stay in luxurious homes unlike a hotel stay, but homeowners from Malibu to Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills and beyond can make use of their properties while they are otherwise vacant.

Starting with just one home nearly a decade ago, Vacation Rental Malibu has grown into the largest collection of luxury vacation rental homes in Malibu with more than 50 homes participating and bringing millions of dollars into the local economy. Vacation Rental Malibu has booked more than 1,200 vacation stays, 200 special events and 150 film shoots. 

But Van Ierland doesn’t treat her business as an impersonal internet giant. “I maintain the small business mentality by working one on one with homeowners, vetting clients and being physically present at almost every check in and photo or film shoot,” she explained. Vacation Rental Malibu also acts as a concierge, which big internet companies are unable to do.

Van Ierland has personally gone the extra mile to make guests comfortable during their stays by doing such things as delivering portable air conditioners to a home during a heat wave and building a temporary dog fence. Because Vacation Rental Malibu is locally owned and operated, it serves as a concierge from the best tips on where to hike, to finding chefs, babysitters and even mountaintop yoga yurts for meditation.  

Van Ierland’s personal service with clients has won her praise from well-known community members and celebrities. 

“She is bright, hard-working, sincere, as honest as they come and always has a smile on her face,” Malibu City Council Member Laura Rosenthal said. “She is calm amid storms and takes ‘Southern hospitality’ seriously.” 

Rock and roll legend Tom Petty said, “Pamela truly cares about the community and all her clients. She provides a service that is beneficial to both. We would highly recommend working with Pam. She will not disappoint.”

With the overwhelming demand for long-term rentals, Van Ierland got a real estate license and will add to her services. 

“My personal service is the reason for my success. It’s being there when needed that has built this business. With my real estate license I can improve my owners’ income.  I consider it a challenge to do what others won’t. I call it ‘property management with a personal touch.’ My strength is my relationship with people. I love what I do and I love my community. I’ve lived in Malibu for over 20 years, so I am blessed to do what I enjoy in a community I adore.” 

For more information, visit or call 310.487.8799.