Malibu Senior Center Schedules New Upcoming Events

Malibu City Hall

Patriotic Potluck Tea Time

On Monday, July 10, from 12-1 p.m., at the Malibu City Hall in the Zuma Room, the Senior Center will be hosting a Patriotic Potluck Tea Time. Bring small sandwiches, tarts, scones or cookies and celebrate the Fourth of July. 

Silver Fox Walk – Point Dume

On Thursday, July 13, at 9 a.m., join the Malibu Senior Center’s monthly walking group at Little Dume-Point Dume Preserve. The two-mile hike is an easy difficulty level and will be led by an experienced guide. Wear comfortable clothing and bring water, snacks and sun protection. Silver Fox Walks offers participants the benefits of outdoor exercise, great company and the opportunity to enjoy Malibu’s scenic hiking trails. Each month, the group will experience a new hiking trail located in Malibu.

What Makes People Happy?

On Thursday, July 13, from 12-1 p.m. at Malibu City Hall in the Zuma Room, the Senior Center is hosting a free presentation, “What Makes People Happy?”. Clinical Nurse Specialist of Neuroscience at UCLA Medical Center Pamela Nye will inform participants about exercises and other details on maintaining happiness throughout the course of a year. 

Art Trek Workshop: Somethin’ Fishy

On Friday, July 14, from 2-4 p.m. at Malibu City Hall in the Multi-Purpose Room, the Malibu Senior Center will host an Art Trek Workshop called “Somethin’ Fishy”, open to everyone 14 years and older. This art class will choose from fish designs and recreate them in watercolor. The class costs $5 and there is a $10 fee for materials that can be paid to the instructor on the day of the class. The class is limited to 12 people, so participants must RSVP.

Finance Fridays: “Reverse Mortgages for Retirement Planning”

On Friday, July 14 from 12-1:30 p.m. at Malibu City Hall in the Zuma Room, Senior Center’s Finance Friday is hosting “Reverse Mortgages for Retirement Planning.” The Finance Friday guest speakers are Joe Conrad, CMPS and Skyline Home Loans. All are welcome to attend. For those who RSVP, a free lunch will be available. Finance Friday guest speakers present each month about a variety of financial information to increase your financial literacy.

For more information on any of these events or to RSVP, call 310.456.2489 ext. 357.