Letter: Let Residents Decide

Letter to the Editor

A decision as important and far-reaching as giving away hundreds of acres of Malibu property is not one that should be made by three members of the city council. If the council is so confident that they represent the wishes and best interests of the majority of citizens of Malibu with regard to the Charmlee-Bluffs land swap, then they should be willing to put the issue to a vote of the citizens.

The arrogance of these council members to think that they have the right to make a decision of this magnitude without the approval of the entire city is quite staggering. Unfortunately, they may have the legal power to do this, but they are not the proprietors of this land. They are only temporary stewards who should be acting in the best interests of the people who actually own this land. If this swap is truly such a great idea, then present us with facts and let the people decide.

No more back room deals, secret negotiations, caving in to the bully Edmiston over camp- sites, or linking to unrelated law- suits. It’s a simple question. Do we trade over 500 acres of pristine wilderness for 10 usable acres so we can maybe build some more sports fields and a skate park?

Ever ytimethesegeniuseson the council think they’re mak- ing some kind of great real-estate deal they end up getting taken for a ride. And the rest of us end up paying for their hubris.

Jamie Ledner