The City of Malibu hosted CineMalibu Comic Adventure featuring the movie “Spiderman” and a Spiderman vs. Venom Stunt Show on Saturday night. Children who attended the event came in their favorite superhero costumes. After the stunt show, Spiderman and Venom posed for pictures and, to the unexpected delight of the children, played with them before the movie began.
Venom (Lorenzo Guzman) and Spiderman (Kyle Hall) get ready to surprise the children with their quick moves.
Iron Man Dylan Lewis sits by brother Spiderman Tyler on their “mini couch,” waiting for the stunt show and “Spiderman” on Saturday night at Bluffs Park.
Captain America (young Matteo Satriano) gives Spiderman a high-five after the stunt show.
The City of Malibu’s Parks and Recreation gang Kristin Riesgo, Marc Villain, Amara Gwyn, Shannon Morrison and Adrianna Fiori, hang out with Venom (Lorenzo Guzman) and Spiderman (Kyle Hall) at the Comic Adventure event on Saturday night.