Eco-conscious art at Malibu Lumber Yard Gallery

Top: Artist EENCH installation "Trashroom 1" at Malibu Lumber Yard Gallery's Eco Art Exhibit. Bottom: Eco Art Exhibit with Assemblages from artist Sharon Brooks at MLY Gallery, Malibu Lumber Yard.

The Malibu Lumber Yard Gallery is hosting a new exhibit entitled “Eco Art: Eco-conscious art for living, Art for change.” The exhibit opened July 20 to raise awareness, support concrete solutions and encourage a culture of eco-conscious living.

The exhibit will run until Aug. 12.

Eco Artists include: Sharon Brooks, Daniel Chavira, Eeench Eenchian, Bijian Fan, JenniferGlassman, Anne Hunt, Maureen Haldeman, Heather Lowe, Eleni Maureas, Shaun Murphy, Keri Rosebraugh, Shawn K. Riley, Eugenie Spirito, Sarah Stone, Seda Saar, Bonita Tabakin and Monica Wyatt.

MLY Gallery is located at 3939 Cross Creek Rd. D130 in the Malibu Lumber Yard shopping center. MLY Gallery will donate a percentage of art sales to Wiser Earth Foundation For more information, call 310.982.7594.