I live on Malibu Road, recently unofficially designated Dog Poop Capital of the World. Since this topic seems to inspire so much local passion, I thought a few statistics I compiled would be of interest.
Of the 250 homes along Malibu Road, one in three have a dog in residence. That makes 83.33 dogs. Of course, some people are multiple dog owners, so I round that figure up to 113.22 dogs. Now most dogs, if my own dog can serve as a research topic, poop three times a day. Each poop weighs eight ounces. (I weigh my dog’s poop, to keep track of his health.) My dog is a large dog, so his poops obviously weigh more than those of a very small dog, so I average it out to 3.45 ounces of poop per dog, three times a day. The 10.35 ounces of poop per day, times 365 days per year (dog pooping has no holidays) equals 3,777.75 ounces or 236.11 pounds per dog per year.
So 113.32 dogs leave 26,755.99 pounds –13-plus tons — of dog poop a year on the two-mile stretch of Malibu Road, which nobody ever picks up.
Funny I never noticed.
Kerstin Egger