Letter: Reviewing Local Issues

Letter to the Editor

I have great respect for all the City Council members as public servants. Although I don’t agree with many of their decisions, I do agree we all win by elevating our local politics. Notice of toxic cleanup would have been appreciated by the teachers, parents and students who were on the campus that summer while workmen were removing the toxic soil. I have felt a deep sense of betrayal that the parents weren’t clearly informed. The district’s lack of transparency is an example of why our city will benefit from separating and becoming our own local school district. Then, we, as parents, won’t need to demand transparency, we take the reins and we can be it! Let’s seize this historic opportunity to become our own school district. 

Another historic opportunity is Rob Reiner’s “Your Malibu, Your Decision Act.” It is a gift to our city. Had our current City Council arrived at the compromise solution of 30%, it would have not been necessary. The act holds the possibility for a change of tide in our local politics, to stand up for local independent businesses and our quality of life, and uphold Malibu’s Vision and Mission Statement (MVMS), to “avoid” the “commercialization” of Malibu, and preserve its “rural characteristics” along our entire 26 miles. 

This referendum for a stronger chain store ordinance is continuing a meaningful conversation encouraged by a group that has been working tirelessly for years to this end, Preserve Malibu. I hope we storm city hall as soon as we are given the blessing from those who are reviewing it to sign this referendum. 

June Louks