Reader’s Poem: Childs Play


Gumdrops and Bubblegum

Ferris Wheels and Circus Clowns

Tumbling Dice and Childs Play

Toy Soldiers and Music Chimes

Mothers Hugs and Fathers Goodbyes

DragonFlys and Dandellions

Ask Me Why I Like Presents and Ribbons

Music Boxes and Hummingbirds

Braided Hair and Shinny Shoes

Childs Play, Happy Am I

Raindrops and Snowflakes

Rainbows and Sunlight Lakes

Mountain Tops and Flowering Crops

Quilted Blankets/Puffy Clouds

Winters Day/Springs Breaking

Summers Sky and Butterflys

Sailing Ships and Pirates Treasure

Raisins and Watermelon

How I Love You

Laughing Children Skipping Rope

Childs Play, Everyday

Gumdrops and Bubblegum

Ferris Wheels and Circus Clowns

by Gary Carr