Chamber Fixes Up Nonprofit Bulletin Board


The Malibu Chamber of Commerce, along with various members of the community, gathered last week at the corner of Webb Way and Pacific Coast Hwy. to clean up a bulletin board that is used by local nonprofits, as well as the City, to announce upcoming events.

About 16 people, including Mark Persson and Rhea Rogers from the Chamber’s office, spent several hours over two days to beautify the sign. They repainted it, as well as replaced the Plexiglas and pulled weeds from the base.

“We’re proud of our little piece of Malibu and we should make it look nice so folks who are announcing their activities can show them in a better light,” Persson shared of the effort.

Persson told The Malibu Times that many of the volunteers who showed up to help did so even though they work for for-profit companies and will not be able to display events on the board.

“They understand that the community helps everyone and are reaching outside of themselves to help the community,” Persson said.

What may have taken Persson and Rogers several days if they worked alone was shortened to just a few hours, which Persson attributed to the power of volunteer work.