News Briefs


Intermittent lane closures scheduled for Cross Creek Road, Civic Center Way

Because construction has begun on the new storm water treatment facility for the Cross Creek / Civic Center Way area, there will be intermittent lane closures

The installation of a pipeline will cause lane closures on Cross Creek Road through May 31 and Civic Center Way through June 12.

Beginning on approximately June 13, and continuing until the end of the year, traffic along Civic Center Way will be limited to one lane in each direction 24 hours per day, seven days a week, from Cross Creek Road to a point approximately 250 feet west of Cross Creek Road.

City soliciting applications for Malibu Youth Commission

The city of Malibu is accepting applications for appointment to the Malibu Youth Commission, which makes recommendations to the City Council on matters concerning the city’s programs and projects targeted to serve young people in the community.

Children enrolled in sixth- through 12th-grade for the 2006-07 school year who either live or attend school within the city of Malibu are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit applications for consideration of appointment is June 6, at 5 p.m. Applications are available at City Hall, at Malibu Bluffs Park, on the city’s Web site ( and, by request, from the city clerk at 456.2489.

YMCA to start new summer soccer league

The Palisades-Malibu YMCA will introduce a new summer soccer league in Malibu, beginning July 15. The program is designed for boys and girls, ages 3 to 6. Games and practices will take place at Webster Elementary School. The deadline for enrollments is June 24. Every child receives a uniform, a photo and a trophy. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.

For more information, contact YMCA Youth Sports Director Ray Cruz or Coach Mike Sarnataro at 454.5591.

SMC seeking applicants for Personnel Commission

The Santa Monica Community College District is seeking applications for appointment to a seat on the Personnel Commission. The commission is the public body responsible for the administration of the college’s Merit System, a civil service system for classified employees.

The appointment will be effective July 19 for a term of 18 months through December 1, 2007. To qualify for appointment to the commission, the applicant must be a registered voter and resident of the Santa Monica Community College District and support the concept of employment, continuance in employment, in-service promotional opportunities and other related matters on the basis of merit and fitness.

Applications may be obtained from the college’s Office of the Board of Trustees or by calling 434.4402. They may also be downloaded from the Web at The application deadline is

June 2.

The Malibu Times closed for Memorial Day.

The Malibu Times Building will be closed on Monday for Memorial Day. It will reopen on Tuesday.

-Jonathan Frochtzwajg and Jonathan Friedman