Malibu Seen: Hear Me Roar

A record number of sea lion pups get a second chance thanks to local animal lovers.

Summer 2015 might just go down as the summer of animal awareness. Between the illegal killing of a beloved African lion by a Minnesota dentist, the impact of California’s devastating drought on wildlife, outrage over bobcat trapping and a spike in marine rescues here in Malibu, local animal lovers have had a lot to squawk about. 

The animal protection stance, taken by locals like Pamela Anderson, is well known. Also well known: The efforts made by designer Erika Brunson, who has been fighting to ban trophy hunting with the help of 

With hundreds of thousands of signatures collected, the debate has emotions running high. Malibu animal lover Margie Perenchio has been pitching in with the African Wildlife Foundation. Margie tells Malibu Seen that education is key and hopes to set an example. “I haven’t worn fur in 25 years. I threw away sable and mink coats,” she explains. “I wouldn’t even give them away.” 

As for the trophy hunters, animal activist Em Green says, “I bet they are all good, religious people and community members. But what kind of ‘god’ encourages the killing of other creatures, not for food but to stuff and hang?” 

Also in agreement is legendary local Dick Van Dyke, who tells Malibu Seen, “It’s the hunters who should be hunted. It may have been accepted 100 years ago, but the population of all these animals is disappearing.”

The reaction has been swift. Several major airlines say they will no longer transport animal trophies. Closer to home, the California Fish and Game Commission voted to ban all commercial bobcat trapping in California. 

Here in Malibu, it’s always a crash course in education and appreciation at the California Wildlife Center (CWC). 

On Sept. 13, wildlife lovers will be heading out to the breathtaking Gull’s Way Estate in support of our furry, finned and feathered friends. 

Every year, the “Wild Brunch” raises thousands of dollars to benefit the CWC. 

The beloved nonprofit says it needs help like never before. Luckily, it has a lot of high-profile pals in high places. 

Pamela Anderson is on the brunch committee, along with neighbors Cindy Crawford and husband Rande Gerber, as well as Sir Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Beil, to name a few. Sponsors include many local organizations and businesses, including The Malibu Times. 

Amid sweeping views of the Pacific, guests will be treated to gourmet veggie cuisine and local wines, live and silent auctions, and even a “Wild Zone” for the little ones.

In keeping with tradition, the day will be capped off with the release of a CWC wildlife “patient,” which has been successfully rehabilitated and allowed to spread its wings once again. 

So whether it’s the king of beasts, an adorable sea lion or a tiny hummingbird, you can expect local animal lovers to be out there spreading the word for precious critters that can’t. 

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