The Malibu Senior Center hosted its monthly ice cream social and birthday bash on Monday, where seniors were treated to cheesecake and ice cream, adding their favorite toppings like chocolate-covered espresso beans, raspberry syrup, rainbow sprinkles, nuts and whipped cream.
Malibu Senior Center’s Recreation Coordinator Theresa Odello said, “The ice cream socials have been a consistent program at the senior center since it opened in 2003. It’s a fun time to get together, socialize and celebrate the monthly birthdays while enjoying free ice cream.”
A few seniors joined the festivities after the therapeutic stretch and strength class and before the chair yoga class.
“The new year is off to a great start at the Malibu Senior Center, with new programs, including a gymnasium for the mind class, a series of free talks on Alzheimer’s education, Spanish classes and more.” To find out the schedule, visit malibucity.org/SeniorCenter.