Cosentino’s takes umbrage


    I read with much interest the letter written by Jo Giese last week, wherein she claimed that my family, the Cosentinos, had demanded a monopoly on selling flowers, or we would have opposed the opening of the Malibu Farmer’s Market.

    Let me first say that statement is absolutely false, and that I am personally offended by the remark. I know that no one from my family ever made any such comment to Debra Bianco, and I have spoken to Debra Bianco, who has assured me that she said no such thing to Ms. Giese. I have no idea what would prompt Ms. Giese to make such a statement.

    Not only is Ms. Giese’s comment simply factually untrue, it also creates the false innuendo that Cosentino’s in some way is trying to create a “monopoly.” This is a serious charge to levy against a family who developed a strong bond of trust with the community it has served for that past several decades. Ms. Giese’s irresponsible and reckless remark should not be allowed to undermine that bond of trust. I will avoid the temptation to justify Ms. Giese’s insidious remark by defending against it too much. Suffice it to say that the Cosentinos have been devoted to honestly and fairly serving Malibu residents for a long, long time, and no one in my family ever made the remark attributed to us by Ms. Giese.

    My father, who started this business over 50 years ago, has always been open to, and benefited by, open and fair competition. We are neighbors to Calvin’s nursery and have peacefully coexisted with several other Malibu nurseries for years. We have seen other flower shops in Malibu come and go, and while they were here, we maintained respectful and friendly relations with them.

    We look forward to serving Malibu for a long time to come, with a new generation of Cosentino’s continuing the tradition of honest service started by our parents.

    Marco A. Cosentino