Different approach


    It is unfortunate that the Malibu Bay Company decided to use my public statements in their attempt to defeat Measure P. I opposed Measure P for very different reasons than the Bay Company’s. The Bay Company’s opposition to “P” was for economic reasons, while my opposition was based on a very important democratic principle. The Malibu Bay Company paid for an advertisement quoting a statement of mine in opposition to “P” and then paid for the copying and mailing of a video tape that contained a film clip of my remarks at a news conference concerning Measure P. I want to make it clear that I had no knowledge that such an advertisement or video was being made, nor was I consulted on their production or content.

    When the present City Council was sworn in, I stated: “The PACS must PACK-up their videos, their flyers and their signs. Because, if we simply continue to nurture old grudges, snipe at those who didn’t support us, and undermine those with whom we do not agree, nothing will get done in this City.” You know what? I still fervently believe that this is true.

    Ken Kearsley