Shepherding the Sea, Down Under

Dr. Reese Halter, The Steve Irwin

Fifty-nine months after my colleague and mentor, Oregonian whiz-kid and author of 45 books Chris Maser suggested I put pen to paper to expose the looting of the sea – I did it!

On December 23 in the port of Williamstown, Victoria at Sea Shepherd Australia’s Seaworks, I launched “Shepherding the Sea: The Race to Save our Oceans.” 

It felt in so many ways like coming home. In the early 1990s I undertook my doctoral work at The University of Melbourne. So when Professor Emeritus Roger Sands, my supervisor in the day, introduced me at my book launch, it was indeed a highlight of my life’s work to protect our planet.

Just prior to the launch I shot an Earth Calling SOS segment on the bow of Sea Shepherd’s flagship The Steve Irwin. Walking aboard her, I was filled with awe as I most certainly felt the presence of my late friend the legendary Crocodile Hunter, renowned Australian conservationist Steve Irwin.

Leading up to the Melbourne book launch, I flooded the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) airwaves with three interviews on my first day. I’m an overseas environmental correspondent with ABC 774 Melbourne, so again it felt like coming home.

Capping off inundating the Australian audiences was a tremendous visit with legendary Australian conservationist, Senator and former leader of The Greens, Dr Bob Brown, or as the Aussies refer to him as “Saint Bob.” It was yet another highlight of my life’s work as Bob Brown has dedicated his life with exemplary leadership to protecting our planet.

I spent a day walking down memory lane in Creswick, Victoria where I was stationed a couple decades ago conducting my doctoral research. The small agrarian community was upbeat despite having recently contended with the destruction of epic flooding from climate disruption.

Dr Christopher Weston (my old school chum) made me feel right at home in Kingston at Moorakyle, because I had come home. 

Join Earth Dr Reese Halter in his crusade to protect nature by watching Earth Calling SOS. This Christmas join him in Williamstown, Sydney and Ballina on his Earth Calling SOS Australian Tour 2014 as he launches his ninth book “Shepherding the Sea: The Race to Save our Oceans.”