Sign display stays


Freedom of speech is dead in Malibu in this election. There is only one candidate one is allowed to support. There is only one candidate’s election sign one may display in front of one’s home. Display your candidate’s sign and it is certain to disappear under the cover of night.

I am utterly disgusted with this incredible display of political immaturity at best and certainly political intimidation and oppression at its worst. To deny anyone his or her voice is a violation of his or her human rights, is it not? I will gladly fight for your right to support whomever you desire, just as you should do the same for me. Political freedom is one of the founding precepts of this country, and is what makes it so great. Otherwise, we are no different than the countries we criticize so readily.

The signs will go back up, again and again. You cannot and will not take away my voice.

Martha Fling