Merci, Marcia


    The Malibu community should commend Marcia Hanscom and the Wetlands Action Network for the time and effort she has put into protecting the Malibu environment.

    It is shameful that there are those who characterize her as controversial.

    If any individual or organization is controversial, it is those developers, their co-opted politicians and corrupted so-called friends who blatantly support the irresponsible developers who are contriving the issues.

    I for one am truly and deeply grateful to Marcia Hanscom for joining the effort in Malibu to save the Malibu wetland. It is Marcia Hanscom that has brought to Malibu Dr. Terry Huffman, this country’s pre-eminent wetland delineator. It is Marcia Hanscom that is taking the time to educate us all on the values of wetlands and how vital they are to the ecosystem.

    Thank you Marcia for hanging in there.

    Bob Purvey

    Malibu surfer