Letter: Who Are You?

Letter to the Editor

Who are the Webster parents who cyber-bullied a six-year-old child with disabilities?

This latest incident at Webster of anonymous cyber-bullying of a six-year-old child with disabilities at the hands of adults in our community has left me apoplectic. Where is the humanity in this age of tweet hate? Where is the love?

Webster is one of our wonderful elementary schools, and I have always found the Webster families to be smart and very dedicated to their school and to our community. 

But how can anyone at Webster let these ghastly parents from Room One tear down the reputation of their school? 

Someone knows who is responsible for creating the website titled “MakeWebsterSafeAgain.com,” stating that the six-year-old child with disabilities is “an immediate threat to the safety of the other students.” And then if that isn’t bad enough, they threatened the child’s parents with: “We would like to remind you that our number is greater than yours,” … “Our legal expenses will be shared and your legal expenses will be paid only by you, including attorney’s fees and any damages we’re awarded, if any.” 

This child has the right, granted to him by the Americans with Disabilities Act, to be in that classroom with an aide.

Because the child’s parents don’t know which parents are behind the anonymous threats, they have pulled their child from Webster.

I am disheartened to think that the bullies have won and will now move on through our school system teaching their own children that intolerance and threatening behavior is acceptable. What a horrendous example to show our young citizens.

These anonymous parents should be named and held responsible for the havoc they have caused for this child, his family and the good reputation of Webster School.

If anyone has any information, please email me.

Laureen Sills
