Cabrillo Port would be more helpful than harmful


What’s all this fuss about Cabrillo Port?

The ships will be anchored over the horizon for the most part with it’s white storage spheres shrouded in the ocean mist similar to the major petroleum tank farm across the bay in El Segundo which is 15 miles off shore from Topanga Beach.

Jonathan Friedman’s article mentions that westerly winds blow toward Malibu 80 percent of the time, which means that a high density wind turbine farm located down wind from Cabrillo Port could convert the wind energy to 500 KV while protecting Malibu from stray pollutants by sapping the wind of its strength. The under sea high voltage transmission lines could make landfall at Deer Creek, a desolate area which would be a good location for a power sub-station. As a matter of fact, the LNG could also be fed down this transmission tube which would act as a 14 mile heat exchanger cooling the copper wires while, at the same time, providing re-gasification. Natural gas storage facilities could also be installed at Deer Creek. Oil drilling platforms could be installed out of sight behind the majestic wind turbine blades and through slant drilling technology could harvest a large area of oil beneath the sea bed. This harvest of crude could also be piped ashore to wind powered refineries at Deer Creek turning this once desolate land into a major energy hub.

Jobs, jobs, jobs with plentiful parking.

Jack Singleton