Opposed to Measure C


I find it very interesting that Brian Boudreau, would-be developer of the Malibu Valley Inn and Spa, decided to file a lawsuit against Mary Hubbard, the author of the opposing view for Measure C on the November special election ballot, because he felt that her statements about the measure were misleading and not factual.

I live in Calabasas and I just received a marketing piece/absentee ballot application from Mr. Boudreau’s Malibu Valley Inn and Spa organization with so many misleading statements that my head was spinning.

Apparently these folks are so desperate to get this commercial monstrosity built that they are now attempting to deceive the public by reaching out to voters and misrepresenting what passing Measure C will mean to Calabasas.

The marketing piece would have us believe that a “Yes” vote on Measure C will “Preserve our open space” and “Stop school overcrowding” and that by supporting Measure C we will “Tell Los Angeles to stop encroaching on Calabasas!”

In reality, a “Yes” vote on Measure C gives support to the building of an enormous commercial development called “The Malibu Valley Inn and Spa” in the middle of a designated “California Scenic Highway,” and will effectively ruin our open space along the Mulholland/Las Virgenes corridor with its unsightly buildings and glaring overhead lights. It will also create a glut of unnecessary traffic on Mulholland and Malibu Canyon/Las Virgenes Roads that cannot be remedied by adding lanes.

As far as school overcrowding, the piece of land in question was originally approved by Los Angeles County for 81 residential homes. This relatively small number of new homes will hardly overcrowd our schools. It is questionable whether these potential students would even end up in our schools anyway.

It would seem that Los Angeles County was in fact looking out for our precious open space by not permitting such a commercial development on this land-and now Mr. Boudreau is trying to overturn their sound planning efforts by appealing to the City of Calabasas to take control of the land.

I think the more accurate statement is that we should vote “No” on Measure C and tell Mr. Boudreau to stop encroaching on Calabasas with his plans for a massive commercial development in one of our most beautiful scenic corridors.

Melissa Olen