Letter: Taking Care Vs. Taking

Letter to the Editor

After attending the Reiner/ Soboroff debate, it became screamingly clear what Measure R is all about … NIMBYism. 

In answer to Reiner’s question, “when you make a deal, don’t you have to get something for it?” Well, yes you do … you get to keep all of those “other” people from coming to Malibu to enjoy this beautiful place only a very privileged few can afford to live in. 

You gather your celebrity and otherwise affluent friends and get them to donate to force a measure that is clearly bad for Malibu and in exchange, you promise them you will keep this little slice of heaven, just for them, just the way they like it to be when they come out to vacation. 

I was stunned Reiner stood proudly as a self-proclaimed NIMBY and really disgusted that he doesn’t really have good intentions for the future of Malibu — he just doesn’t want it in his (weekend) back yard. 

He is correct about one thing, however. Everyone who “really” lives here is concerned about their way of life, but those who vote “no” on Measure R are aware they have to share it with others. 

Reiner, we are only caretakers of this little part of our planet, it is ours to take care of — not to take. 

Kate Novotny