On Thursday, Sept. 12, journalists spent the afternoon at Fox studios for a NASA presentation: “The World of ‘Ad Astra’—What Every Filmmaker Should Know about NASA Today and Tomorrow.” The presentation explored the relationship NASA has with filmmakers, which include script or treatment review, technical or historical expertise, access to video and still photography, location shoots and assistance with social media, web content, talent interview and more.
Discussions on “Going back to the Moon, on to Mars and Beyond” were moderated by “Ad Astra” screenwriter Ethan Gross and screenwriter/ director James Gray.
The first panel discussion was led by Gross: “From Apollo to Artemis: Back to the Moon,” featuring various NASA program directors, engineers and mission planners.
The second panel discussion was led by Gray and featured a talented crew of panelists including an astronaut, engineers and scientists.
Gray asked,“I’d like to ask a nerd question if I could. What movies, science fiction movies, have really inspired you? You think, ‘Ah, that’s pretty good.’” Answers included “Titan A.E.,” “2001: A Space Odyssey,” the original “Star Wars,” and more. Based on the previews, the panelists said they hoped they could include “Ad Astra” to the list. NASA’s inspirational presentation explored the past, present and future of space travel to the moon and mars.