Only way to get action


Your tragic story about two cyclists run down and killed on PCH brings me to the reason I am writing this letter. The same thing could have happened at a house on PCH near the 20000 area. The house I am referring to has been condemned for approximately 15 years. For six or seven years at this address, they have rigged, in front, a cone barrier that forced cyclists into the traffic lane going south. I am a cyclist and ride my bike up to Starbucks Coffee about once a week. Coming home, I always pass this danger spot at this house on PCH. Finally, I decided to ride my bike to City Hall and make a complaint.

I arrived at around 11:45 and a polite lady asked if she could help. I told her my problem and she said that I would have to contact Caltrans. I said to her, have you ever tried to call District Seven of Caltrans. I then proceeded to leave, muttering this is one way to get rid of a complaint. As I was leaving, a man standing behind me said, you should go upstairs to the building department. I went upstairs where a very polite lady heard my problem and said, let me see if I can get you the right person. She then came back and said he was not in and handed me his business card.

I went home and contacted the Public Works representative. I told him my problem, and he said he would look into this situation and then get back to me. Four or five days passed without a callback, so I called him again. His said he would get right on the problem and call me back. His callback answer was Caltrans handles this type of permit. I said thanks for the callback and proceeded up to the useless barrier and moved it back two feet. I had a legitimate complaint and got nowhere. Malibu is no New Orleans but I hope we are not picking up their bad habits.

Robert J. Sutton