One man’s view of candidates


Many of my Malibu friends have asked why I decided not to run for the City Council this year, and some have said that if I did, I would have won a seat. That remains to be seen, but here are some of my reasons: my wife’s untimely death six months ago; and my perception that Malibu is so polarized between the Silna/Malibu CAN camp and the supporters of the current Council that the gap is impossible to bridge to reach common ground. There is indeed more “out there” than Malibu politics, and after over six years of continuous service in various appointed positions in Malibu, it is time to move on.

Before I do, a few comments on the current crop of candidates: Ken Kearsley and Jeff Jennings have spent many hours over the past four years seeking to protect the interests of Malibu’s residents and property owners, especially in dealing with the hated Coastal Commission, and probably deserve to be reelected. Pamela Conley Ulich and Bill Winokur are unknown quantities. How effective will they be if they are elected? What do they really stand for? Who are they beholden to? Until I know more, they will not get my vote.

Walt Keller, who appointed me to the Parks and Recreation Commission, is a known quantity and, having a gadfly like him on the Council to keep the rest of them from getting too far off track, might be a good thing, but Walt had the propensity when he was on the Council previously to say things that had the effect of pouring gasoline on a fire. He was a valuable revolutionary who helped to establish our city, but have subsequent events over the past decade passed him by?

Then there is Jay Liebig. It is hard to understand why he is running for the City Council. He moves to Malibu five or six years ago, files three lawsuits against the City, which costs all of us a lot of money to defend (and he loses them all), leaves town (while maintaining a residence here), returns and files an amicus brief in a case which frustrates the will of 2,700 city voters to hold a referendum on the Coastal Commission-mandated LCP, and then has the gall to run for the City Council. He will not get my vote.

Ted Vaill