Well used time


    This letter is in response to “The Ozzie Silna Show.”

    At the Malibu Township Council Debate, the two attorneys that attempted to discredit Measure P, but failed dismally, have now attacked Frank Basso (the moderator of the debate) for not allowing them equal time.

    They are as wrong about that as they are about Measure P (P is the measure that garnered 2,400 signatures in one week). Check it out fellows — I timed it! You spoke for 31 minutes — I only spoke for 21 minutes. The only reason it may have seemed so unfair to them, is because the merits of Measure P so outweigh those of N, that Measure P was so very easy to defend.

    “Reasonable people can come to reasonable conclusions!” I’m sure that the citizens of Malibu will do the right thing. They will vote for Measure P, as well as Measure O and Measure Y.

    Ozzie Silna