Photos: 10th Annual Woodie Parade Winds Through Malibu

National Woodie Club members join the festivities on Sunday afternoon circling Serra Retreat, on their way to the Malibu Pier.

The 10th Annual Malibu Woodie Parade took place Sunday afternoon. Woodies small and large started at Paradise Cove and headed down PCH. The decorated Woodies then circled though Serra Retreat in a procession led by Geoff and Sharon Gee in a classic horse drawn carriage. The Woodie parade ended at the Malibu Pier for holiday festivities. John Zambetti, who has organized the Woodie Parade for 10 years, called it a great success. “I am really pleased with the enthusiasm and record turnout of decorated Woodies for the 10th Malibu Christmas Woodie Parade,” Zambetti said. “What we lack in snow we more than make up for in spirit! Have a real, cool Yule!”