Letter: Use Your Voice

Letter to the Editor

On Wednesday, Jan. 22, Malibu and the MRCA had a scoping meeting at King Gillette Ranch. There were about 30 citizens and 16 who spoke. We were fortunate to have two city officials; Planning Director Bonnie Blue and two-time mayor and senior council member Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner.

If anyone does not appreciate why we are our own city, this meeting would have changed your mind. There is no doubt that outside agencies are trying to get around our local coastal program. Their intent is to build seven new coastal accessways along Pacific Coast Highway. That would be fine if they knew how to take care of the 12 that they have and are mismanaging.

Bonnie Blue explained that it is a new day in Malibu. These agencies will be working by our legal LCP not a bogus “public works plan” that is a fraud dreamed up by a gang of outside agencies. She was magnificent!

This is where the citizens come in. We need your help to emphasize they need to fix 12 that are mismanaged and have dogs running wild on the beach. We have until Feb. 6 to get our comments to: Coastalaccesspwp@mrca.ca.gov.

One parting thought: Ask yourself why would you title your project a “public works plan.” It sounds like this is a sewer project, not accessways to our beloved beaches.

If you have any questions, please call me as soon as you can and I will fill you in on everything. 

Lloyd Ahern
