City to Celebrate 25th Anniversary

Malibu City Hall

The City of Malibu will host a celebration for its 25-year anniversary of cityhood with a reception on Monday, March 28 at 6 p.m. at Malibu City Hall.

“I encourage every resident to join in this fun and important celebration of all that we have achieved together and how much we have grown in the last quarter century,” Mayor Laura Rosenthal said in a release sent by the city. 

During the Monday City Council meeting at 6 p.m., City Council will present recognitions to the city’s founding fathers and mothers, and other pillars of the community who have helped shape Malibu into the city it is today. A video collection of images and clips of Malibu throughout the years submitted by locals, created by Malibu-based production company Planet Grande Pictures, will be screened.

Following the meeting, a reception and grand opening for “The Art of the Board” will take place at 7 p.m. in the upstairs lobby of City Hall. The exhibit is hosted by the Malibu Cultural Arts Commission and will features artistic surfboards suspended and displayed in the atrium through September 2016.

The artist behind the classic surfing film “Endless Summer” poster, John Van Hamersveld, has designed a commemorative poster for the anniversary and will be at the celebration to autograph copies.

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