Local all-stars move on

Front row from left: Erin Samuel, Gabriella Grahek, Casey Conrad, Riley Waldman and Michaela Cosentino; back row from left: assistant coach Weijin Conrad, Danica Downing, Karena Thompson, Emma Ben-Yehuda Holley, Briar Blake, Charlotte Glander, Seaira Moore and head coach Bob Waldman.

The girls Malibu AYSO U-12 All-Star team placed second on Saturday in the Area 10E All-Star Tournament in Sim Valley.

The squad won eight of 11 games in the tournament, and earned a berth in the Section 10 Tournament in Bakersfield on March 1 and 2.

The U-12 boys team placed second in its area tournament, and the squad will also be traveling to Bakersfield next month for the sectional tournament.