A new leash on life


    She wouldn’t hurt a flea!

    How many times have you passed someone with their dog off a leash and heard this statement? Don’t believe it!

    I always thought that I had to protect my 10-pound, 12-year-old little dog from our wilds. The bobcats, the coyotes, the snakes, etc. I was wrong.

    I should have been protecting her from the six unleashed domesticated dogs walking with their owners, that were in denial.

    I am mad. I am sad. I have regrets. All signs of my loss.

    Fuzzie did not lose her life but she is in critical condition. She was viciously attacked by a pack of unleashed dogs, that were accompanied by their owners. I have passed this group before and they have said that there was nothing to worry about. I usually pick up my little dog, just in case.

    I did not pick her up this time. I will forever regret this navet of mine. My own denial of the possibilities of dogs.

    My little one was on a leash. This made her even more vulnerable. With six adults, we could barely do anything to stop the attack. Once one got started that gave all the “innocents” permission to get involved too.

    I felt so helpless. I was helpless.

    Fuzzie did miraculously survive, but I am left with the question of how this could happen.

    I have to say that the people involved are remarkable people. Everyone took responsibility. There was no finger pointing. They paid all the bills, sent flowers, drove me back and forth to the vet and are loving people. And they made the decision, on their own, to keep their dogs on leashes.

    So this is a message to all the dog owners of Malibu. There is a negligent supervision ordinance that applies no matter where you are in Malibu. If you neglect to keep your animal from hurting others you are responsible. And the horrific part about my story is that the dog that initiated the attack has attacked before. And the blessing is I am having another lesson in forgiveness.

    Rev Pam Mc Carthy