Caltrans seeking public input on rail plan


Caltrans is asking for the public’s opinion about the California State Rail Plan, which includes plans for freight, passenger and high-speed rail in the state. 

The draft plan is available online at and comments can be submitted through March 11. 

Caltrans is also conducting five events throughout the state where people can offer opinions. The closest event is taking place Feb. 20 at the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority Headquarters, at 4:30 p.m. 

The final plan, which is scheduled to be issued this summer, is expected to fully integrate California’s future high-speed rail system with existing and proposed conventional rail systems. 

“Each year, nearly six million passengers ride the trains in California,” Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty said. “It’s important that we find out what our citizens have to say about rail, because their input will help us build a truly connected California.”