2013 in Review: February

The 2012 Dolphin Award Winners - Back row, from left: Daniel Forge, Daniel Villefort, Misael Espinoza, Martha Templeton, Cantor Marcelo Gindlin and John Johannessen. Front row: Luciana Forge, Craig Foster, Karen Farrer, Seth Jacobson and Oscar Mondragon. Not pictured: Bruce Karatz, Joseph Evans and Michael Miller.

February 2013 brought the death of two young locals, the awarding of the annual Dolphin Awards and a tragic PCH hit-and-run.

-A group of Malibu friends gathered at their old haunt, the Malibu Boys and Girls Club, to mourn the death of 24-year-old Tyler Robinson, son of Malibu Boys and Girls Club founder Scott Robinson. Jay Ogawa, one of Robinson’s childhood friends, also tragically lost his life just days later in an auto accident near Bakersfield. He was 25. 

-The 2012 Malibu Times Citizens of the Year Dolphin Award winners were announced: 

• Michael Espinoza, Youth Award Winner for community service 

• Daniel and Luciana Forge, longtime owners of Beaurivage Restaurant, for years of service to the community and ongoing generosity to local charities 

• Cantor Marcelo Gindlin, co-founder and coordinator of the Hand in Hand program, a very popular and successful program that couples special needs students with Malibu High students 

• John Johannessen, a Hero award for his quick thinking and selflessness in pulling an individual from a burning car on PCH 

• Bruce Karatz, businessman and community activist who works with many charities, particularly Homeboy Industries, which rehabilitates formerly incarcerated gang members 

• Michael Miller and Joseph Evans, Malibu Dolphin Hero awardees, who intervened to help apprehend a man who kidnapped a Malibu teenager; she was returned safely to her family 

• Oscar Mondragon, longtime manager of the Malibu Community Labor Exchange and activist on behalf of farm laborers throughout California 

• Martha Templeton, manager of the Malibu Artifac Tree Thrift Store for more than 10 years and a tireless worker and fundraiser 

• Daniel Villefort, a man dedicated to Malibu safety, serving as Director of the Friends of the Arson Watch and Disaster Services and a team leader of Malibu Volunteers on Patrol 

• Karen Farrer, Craig Foster, and Seth Jacobson, Malibu educational activists working to form an independent Malibu school district through their organization AMPS (Advocates for Malibu Public Schools) 

-A 44-year-old woman who was allegedly driving under the influence struck and killed a tow truck operator in a hit-and-run accident while he was assisting another motorist on PCH. Jill Rose was charged with felony hit and run and vehicular manslaughter.Â