Calling All Coworkers

Malibu Times office dog Ginger Sawicki sits down for her shift proofreading a week’s paper—from the comfort of her home office.

As millions of Americans take the unprecedented step of transitioning to working from home for the next few weeks, that means more American dogs, cats, birds, bunnies, fish, turtles and other household pets are getting in on the 9 to 5 grind. And we’d love to meet them!

Please send us pics of your four-legged (or feathered/finned) co-workers for us to include in the People section and/or online in the next week or two. This isn’t a contest or prize giveaway; we just want to bring some smiles to your faces and celebrate our loyal work-from-home companions. 

Send photos to with the subject line “Work From Home.”