Last week’s letter from Beverly Taki’s campaign manager shows that the candidate and her committee lack critical facts when it comes to knowledge of the city’s building laws which is why it would be so dangerous for Taki to get on the City Council. Dermenjian denied that Candidate Taki was rcently asked a question about Subdivision Laws. Ms. Taki was in reality prompted to discuss proposals the change slope density (the foundation of subdivision law) and she knew nothing about it.
Since Malibu’s strict subdivision law are the only barrier stopping us from becoming another Newport, where lot subdivisions have been taken to the extreme. Ms. Taki might send Malibu the way of other cities up and down the coast. In many once beautiful towns, well meaning, uninformed councilpeople. have been taken advantage of by reassuring and friendly developers. If Taki were in office, speculators and real estate conglomerates could pull the wool over her eyes anytime, and anything and everything they propose would get by her, while the people of Malibu were helpless to stop it.
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