Sirens: Malibu Crime Report 12.12 – 12.18

Crime Report

The following listings are for the dates of Dec 12 – Dec 18: 


Construction crime

An unknown suspect was seen on a construction site on Schueren Road. A witness saw an unknown male entering the construction site, removing tools from the property and loading them on his vehicle. She asked the suspect if he were working with the company and he said he was not. The victim told deputies the tires were slashed on the forklift and a window was shattered on one of the Bobcat tractors. The total in damages were estimated to cost $12,025.


Bedroom burglar

A home on Clifftop Way was broken into and ransacked. The victim told deputies the window to the bedroom was shattered, the closets and drawers were searched, and the sliding doors were broken. Two watches were stolen from the bedroom. The watches were estimated to be worth $1,000.

Heavy load

A furniture set and club chair was stolen from a garage on Wakecrest Drive. The responding deputy observed the property and noticed there were no prymarks or forced entry around the garage. The furniture was estimated to be worth $3,000. The victim said there were no security cameras around the property.


Disarmed alarm

A home on Seaview Drive was broken into and ransacked. The victim noticed the smashed bedroom window and the drawers ransacked. The victim said she does have an audible alarm system; however, it was not activated during the burglary.


Thrown rock

A rock was thrown at a vehicle while the victim was sitting inside on Civic Center Way. The victim stepped outside, looked around the vehicle and saw the rock that was thrown, but there were no witnesses. The window crack repair was estimated to cost $250. 


Hair scare

Deputies responded to a grand theft at a business on Cross Creek Road. The victim said the suspect walked out of the store with three boxes containing one hair dryer in each box. The Dyson hair dryers were estimated to cost $1,647. The suspect was wearing a dark dress pants slacks, light blue button-down shirt and had dark colored hair. 

Hiker heist

A vehicle parked at Topanga State Park was broken into while the victim was hiking. The back window was smashed and the victim’s backpack, containing her wallet and several gift cards, was stolen.