Letter: Thanks a Million

Letter to the Editor

This is a letter to thank the members of the community who contributed to the success of the Malibu Rotary Halloween Fundraiser. 

I would like to give a special acknowledgement to Annalisa Averill and our young volunteers from Pepperdine University and a shout out to Tara Buran of Malibu West for being my top promoter of tickets and to Linda Zielski for recruiting families of the surf team. 

Special thanks to: Martha Templeton and Sondra Valdez for their help; Diane Peterson, who is always dependable and she added her special flair; to Pam Temmen for her professional work on the silent auction.

Thanks to the generosity of Carlos from Trancas Nursery for his donation of the straw bales, pumpkins and gourds. 

Thanks to our silent auction donors: Danny Klein, Nati from Nati Clothing, Craig Clunies-Ross of Drill Surf and Skate, Laura Burdge of Malibu Beach House, Greg and Kristy of Kristy’s, Saddle Peak Lodge, Chipotle, Yvonne Gelbman, Barbara and Rick Springfield, Josh from Duke’s, Joe at Spruzzo’s, Scott from Malibu Film Society, Cathleen and Rex Lewis, Marie Therese Retourne, Antari at Trancas Starbucks, Fred Cornett, Rex Levy, Claudia of the Malibu Playhouse, Veera of Malibu Chronicle, Bill Wishard, Dr. Alan Pfeiffer, Dr. Taber Chinn of Malibu Health, James Pearse, Ruth and David of Gomez Vineyards, Casa Escobar and last on my list, but not the least, Dr. Anthony and Renee Virella.

What would we have done without our generous sponsors: Lisa Semler of Malibu Family Wines; Anheuser-Busch, Inc.; Eric, Mary and Executive Chef Bruce at Vintage Grocers and The Malibu Times.

I want to acknowledge our contributors and my good friends Denise and Robert Hayman, Margaret Rifenbark, John and Sal from Malibu Kiwanis, Patt Healy, Diane and Hans Laetz, and Cynthia from Pavilions. 

All the others I would like to acknowledge with appreciation are too numerous to mention — you know who you are — and you have my heartfelt thanks for making this event the memorable night it was.

Maggie Luckerath