Letter: Power to the People

Letter to the Editor

In 1863 Abraham Lincoln declared, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” Malibu City Council, do you have the guts to put the chain store issue to the people? Malibu has faced divisive issues before. What has the Malibu City Council done on divisive issues? The Malibu City Council allowed the people to participate on issues such as term limits, measure M and trees/views, to name three. 

Last night, the Malibu City Council chose not to pass an ordinance limiting the proliferation of chain stores in Malibu. While it studies the issue and attempts to develop yet another Civic Center Plan, Malibu’s unique character may go the way of the sand on Broad Beach. There is a Malibu City Council election in April 2014. Why not be bold and put this on the ballot so the people can have a say in the destiny of our fair city?

Thank you for your service to our community. 

Pamela Conley Ulich