Dream vehicle


    As we celebrate the 2001 holiday season and begin the 19th year of the Community Arson Watch, we send our heartfelt wishes and thanks to all those who have contributed to our program. Your financial contributions has assisted in the purchase and outfitting of our new command and control vehicle. You have made a longtime dream a reality.

    Last year’s financial support and this year’s have provided the following operation and administrative expenses of the Community Arson Watch (November 1, 2000 throughout October 31, 2001).

    Operating expenses: 32,859.86

    (Includes van payments and equipment purchases made to date of $21,290.90)

    Administrative expenses: $5,046.32

    Back in June, prior to the purchase of the command and control vehicle, we were told that we could expect a government grant, which would have covered the cost of the equipment and a portion of the purchase price. We purchased the vehicle expecting this grant money, but it has not yet arrived.

    For this reason, as you can see above, we have exceeded our usual budget and now find ourselves in a critical financial situation. Therefore, we are turning to our friends, neighbors and businesses to continue their financial support. Each supporter plays a vital role in our fundraising efforts. Your contribution will help us continue to provide the quality service you should expect of your Community Arson Watch.

    No one in the Arson Watch or Friends of the Arson Watch and Disaster Services, Inc., have ever received a penny. We do not receive funds from T-CEP, and we do not solicit funds by phone. We are a nonprofit 501(c) corporation.

    Allen Emerson, president, Friends of the Arson Watch and Disaster Services, Inc.