Letter: Bye for Now

Letter to the Editor

Malibu lost another icon last week when Louis Busch passed away — a true gentleman who lived a full and fruitful life, not without its sorrows, but always with a cheerful demeanor. In the fast and furious world of real estate, Busch was a steady anchor who helped build Malibu one lot, one house, one parcel at a time with his expertise and knowledge.

His office was a veritable archive of the early days of Malibu. A visit there always produced an anecdote (or two) about the days gone by. A visit to see Busch nearly always ended with a trip to his car trunk and a bag full of his precious avocados to take home. At Christmas each year, many households were blessed with a colorful candle, hand delivered by Busch to light the way. A phone conversation with Busch always ending with his signature, “bye for now.” 

Same to you, Mr. Busch.

Jim Mallen