Man Killed Outside Malibu Restaurant Saturday Night

Ventura County Sheriff's Badge

[Update, 10:43 a.m.] A 23-year-old man from La Puente, Calif., was killed in Malibu Saturday night after what sheriff’s officials described as a “dispute” became violent. The murder took place in the parking lot of Neptune’s Net, where a group of “car enthusiasts” had gathered after the restaurant closed.

“While at the location, Daniel Maldonado became involved in a dispute with a 23-year-old male over a previously unresolved issue,” press information from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office released Sunday stated. “The incident escalated into a physical fight, during which Maldonado used a knife to stab the victim several times.”

Law enforcement from Ventura County as well as California State Parks arrived on scene, but the victim could not be resuscitated.

Maldonado was arrested for one felony count of murder and was booked on $500,000 bail. He will appear in Ventura County Superior Court on June 25, 2019.

More information on the victim’s identity was not available as of Sunday morning, June 23.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Sergeant Steve Jenkins at 805.384.4727.

[10:30 a.m.] A suspect is in Ventura County Sheriff custody Sunday following an altercation that left one man dead outside a popular seafood restaurant in Malibu late Saturday night, June 22. 

Though details about the nature of the victim’s injuries could not yet be confirmed by the sheriff’s office, multiple news agencies have reported a man’s throat was “slashed” in the parking lot of Neptune’s Net—which had been closed for hours by the time the incident occurred.

The call came in to the VC Sheriff’s Office around 11 p.m. Saturday, according to information from Watch Commander Cpt. Wright. Wright confirmed one suspect had been arrested.

Neptune’s Net is located just over the Los Angeles/Ventura county line in Ventura County—near County Line Beach—but is considered part of the Malibu coast.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.