Malibu’s July planetary themes

T.S. Phillips, A.A.S., Inc.


This month starts out favorably for new opportunities and more fun or romance in your life through July 7th. On July 14th, a shift occurs emotionally as your planetary ruler, Mars, enters the sign of Cancer until August 27th. You become more sensitive, domestic and family oriented. During the second half of July, you are very active around the house. Remember to keep the peace in your relationships and with any authority figures.


During the first week of the month, it’s a good idea to spend some more time alone. Express your creativity or entertain at home. After the 14th, short trips and deeper connections with family or siblings are favored. Your mental outlook also goes through some changes and you start to let go of old ways of thinking. After July 22nd, your love life takes on more importance and you more attuned to financial or investments opportunities.


With Mars in your sign until July 13th, you continue to have the strength and courage to accomplish your goals. After the 14th, Mars joins your planetary ruler, Mercury, in the sign of Cancer. Family, domestic matters and your emotional well being take on more importance. After the 22nd, some dissatisfaction may lead to you making some changes in your love life and finances.


With Jupiter in your sign for around a year through July 15, 2014, you are in the best cycle for growth, opportunities and making improvements in your life. After the 14th, Mars enters your sign until August 27th. You are king or queen of the hill! Go after your dreams and goals. Some new opportunities or greater rewards may also fall into your lap during the second half of the month.


You are a magnet for more love and prosperity this month as Venus transits your sign through July 21st. It’s also a good time to turn within and spend more time getting in touch with the “inner you” after the 13th. During the last week of July, health, fitness and work-related projects take on more importance in your life. Try not to hold on to grudges. Forgive and let go of some of your stuff from the past.


Focus is on your friends, social activities and plans for the future. If you feel like you have been spinning your wheels in your career, after the 13th things will begin to shift. After the 22nd, Venus enters your sign. Money and business opportunities begin to abound more in your life. You have an easier time getting your needs met, attracting more love and the finer things.


This is your month to shine more socially, make new friends, and network with larger groups of people through July 21st. After the 22nd, spend more time alone and focus more on your physical and emotional well being. Your career goals take on more importance but may require some re-evaluating to make things right. Be willing to give your partner or significant others more freedom. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


You may feel some dissatisfaction in your career or at work, but some new opportunities can fall into your lap during the second half of the month. Keep any feelings of possessiveness or jealousy in check through the 21st. After the 22nd, the tide starts to flow your way with work and finances. Focus also is on daily routines and improving your health through establishing new habits and better ways of doing things.


There are opportunities for travel, romance, and financial gains during the first week of July, especially around July 7th. Be careful with your spending this month. Try to hold on to your gains and stick to a budget. After the 22nd, you may have to deal with some work related or career issues. Your judgment can also become clouded in regards to finances and love. It’s a good time to do a reality check.


Personal relationships, family and significant others continue to take on more importance in your life. You’re juggling many balls with your work through the 12th. You may have to make some compromises to the needs of others after the 13th. After July 22nd through the middle of August, you are probably feeling the urge for some travel. Better opportunities for business and finances become more present in your life.


Relationships and opportunities for more fun or romance in your life are staring at you right in the face through July 7th. This is also a month to make some necessary adjustments with your daily routine to increase your efficiency. Some changes with your health related habits are also in store. After the 22nd, take a look at improving your financial affairs and becoming more accountable with your spending habits.


You can really get into the flow this month. It’s easier to manifest the things you want. Be careful what you wish for. Opportunities abound for more love and prosperity in your life. Until July 12th, you are kind of a mess at home. Get more organized and eliminate the clutter! After the 22nd, a significant other becomes more of the focus in your life. Help them if needed, but don’t allow them to cross any unwelcome boundaries.