Clear options in election


    I am responding to last week’s “Anonymous” writer(s) regarding the use of my name and allegations of election violations. Fortunately, I believe the voters are smart enough to see this as a cowardly smokescreen for the real message. Though this letter was nothing more than empty hysterics and an obvious last minute desperate attempt to salvage a failed campaign, there is an underlying message that is very important to the voters.

    First, there is no question that the residents have a real choice in this campaign. There are candidates who reject Malibu’s right to self-determination by opposing any and all city participation in drafting its LCP. What they don’t understand is that this has nothing to do with protecting the environment but has everything to do with replacing local control and vision with state mandates. Since the state already has departments for parks and recreation, highways and education, why stop at dictating land use when all local control can be transferred to the state? When one part of local independence is stripped away, other parts will follow. Hence, the candidates (and Anonymous) who oppose Malibu’s LCP participation just don’t get this fundamental flaw in their campaigns. Clearly, they don’t understand that local control was an important part of why Malibu became a city.

    Second, another reason Malibu became a city was to protect its environment and open spaces from being paved over by large development. The last thing this city needs right now is a candidate who favors large, minimally regulated development. Malibu was not created to be a Realtor’s paradise. This is what is so baffling about the choices made by John Harlow and Joan House (and Anonymous) even though I understand at least one of these individuals wishes life had a rewind option.

    I am a new resident of Malibu and, like all other residents, moved here for the obvious and wonderful reasons. Participating in a local election is an important part of maintaining the quality of life in this community. Placing an independent expenditure ad for Sharon Barovsky, who I believe has Malibu’s best interest at her heart, is part of living in a democracy. It is not illegal or improper. It is putting my money were my mouth is.

    Finally, besides the empty whining and crying, what really was improper and offensive was the cowardly act of hiding behind the use of an “Anonymous” signature.

    Bob Adler