Letter: Promises Made, Promises Denied

Letter to the Editor

Prop 6 is another deceitful attempt to continue fleecing Californians. This proposition (otherwise known as the Road Repair Accountability Act—except nobody is being held accountable) should get an emphatic and resounding “YES”—to stop the extortion by Sacramento.

How many times will our politicians pass the hat for road repairs and improvements before they actually start doing something with the money? How much more and how much longer are we willing to pay before we wake up to the fact our roads are still rated 47th in the nation by AAA—fourth from the bottom, despite all the sobbing by state officials over the need for more and more money. They say that without it our infrastructure will begin to deteriorate. What? “Begin” to deteriorate?

Hardworking Californians have been hurting and have had enough of the lies and broken promises from our own Bay Area swamp.

Our gas and registration taxes are currently taking an additional $500 per year out of the average family’s budget (not to mention $100s in car repairs). So, where’s all that money going? The truth is, it’s continually diverted toward pet projects other than our roads, bridges and freeways.

Gas prices in many other states I’ve visited this year are $1 to $2 per gallon less than ours (for example, Phoenix, at $1.95) and their roads and bridges are beautifully maintained. So, what’s the difference? The crooks in our capital—that’s the main difference.

The opposition to Prop 6 by so-called public employees, unions and local/state leaders is obvious. It assures a continued flow of our tax dollars to the lobbyists and the special interests that represent these groups.

Additionally, a “No” vote on Prop 6 gives our legislature power and permission to raise the car and registration taxes any time up to any amount they choose in the future without voter approval—the problem we’re facing now. 

Don’t be fooled by the Sacramento bait-and-switch con game anymore. If people don’t vote yes (to stop the insanity), the begging and pandering will never end and neither will our embarrassing roads. Just look at some of ours here in Malibu….disgraceful.

“Yes” on Proposition 6.

K. Geist