Making children happy


    I am so pleased to be writing to you. For the ninth year in a row, the Malibu community has demonstrated what love and unity can do by joining together in loving support of children and families in need. This past holiday season was such a very special happening for 1,800 wonderful children and families as a result of this united community effort.

    We at the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation are continually moved by the generosity and love that everyone has demonstrated. Children and families from Juan Cabrillo, Point Dume Marine Science Elementary and Webster Schools, Malibu High, Children’s Creative Workshop and Wonder Years Daycare students participated in a huge toy drive. They also came with their parents to help out at our holiday parties. Local and neighboring schools, churches, families and businesses also joined forces to insure that these needy children and their families would have their individual wishes granted by Santa.

    Our special thanks to John and Ellen Poyer of Topson-Downs and their co-workers, Bob and Nancy Salka, Dynasty Fashions and their co-workers, Cha-Cha and Mark Weinstein of California Supply and their co-workers, Marla and Jeffrey Michaels of Kayo and their co-workers, the Gibson Family and Icon Productions, Nidre Winger, the Wirht Family, the members of the Malibu Kiwanis Club, David Silverstein, Jaana Pekkanen and Mark Kramer of Action-Agape, Rev. Michael and Rikki Beckwith of the Agape International Spiritual Center, Cathy and John Cygan, Michelle and Michael Chiklis, Carol Feikls,

    Dorothy Istel, Norm and Shirlee Klein, Sol Lehr of Lehr & Black, Janine McQueen, Alexandria Nassikas, Jennifer Palmer, and Judith Siler of In Celebration.

    Fifteen new families were moved from a shelter into a new home with the support of the John and Geri Cusenza Family Foundation. Our special thanks to them, the Gibson Family, Bill and Lisa Curtis, Walt Miller and John and Meredith Whelpley. Also, 2,200 homeless, low-income and at-risk children attended our Spring and Summer Camp Enrichment Program.

    May God grant us all the continued opportunity and freedom to help those in greater need than ourselves, and may we continue to live in peace as we all try, everyday, to clear the way for everyone to live as we all deserve to, “Happily and Free of Strife.”

    Maria D’Angelo

    The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation