Fourteen Motorists Arrested During Weekend DUI Checkpoint

An LASD deputy questions a driver at a DUI checkpoint in 2013.

Authorities arrested 14 motorists during a DUI checkpoint at Webb Way on Friday, April 17, according to a report from the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s station.

One motorist was arrested for an outstanding DUI warrant.

Checkpoints are placed in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence and provide the greatest safety for officers and the public, the report said.

Three drivers with suspended licenses and ten unlicensed drivers were also arrested during the checkpoint.

In total, 1,364 vehicles passed through the checkpoint and 1,327 drivers were checked. A list of statistics from the April 17 checkpoint include:


  • 10 unlicensed drivers were arrested and sent to court

  • Three drivers with suspended licenses were arrested and sent to court

  • One vehicle was stored for one day

  • Three vehicles were impounded for 30 days

  • Nine vehicles were released per checkpoint release procedures

  • One motorist was arrested and booked for a DUI warrant

  • One passenger was cited for having an open container

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting additional DUI/Drivers License Checkpoints and DUI Saturation Patrols throughout the upcoming year in our ongoing commitment to lowering deaths and injuries upon our streets and highways.